Doctor Zhivago

Original Broadway Cast, 2011 (Broadway Records) 2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5) This recording reveals an uneven score for a musical with a rather complicated plot. The source material, Boris Pasternak’s 1957 novel of the same title, may be partially to blame; the story takes place during the Russian Revolution, and it surrounds protagonist Yuri Zhivago with numerous characters and a sprawling narrative. The short-lived Broadway production featured music by Lucy Simon, lyrics by Amy Powers and Michael Korie, and a book by Michael Weller. If one can listen beyond the muddled and unfocused opening number, “Two Worlds,” there are quite a few lovely songs in this score, primarily owing to Simon’s ability to craft beautiful duets; hear Zhivago (Tam Mutu) implore his wife (Lora Lee Gayer) to “Watch the Moon,” or listen to “Love Finds You,” a quintet that attempts to juggle all of the show’s prominent characters and their wandering hearts. There is charming vocal work done by Kelli Barrett, who’s given strong material as Zhivago’s lover, Lara, and Paul Alexander Nolan as Pasha Antipov/Strelnikov, who’s not so fortunate in that regard. The plot of Doctor Zhivago may be very difficult to follow, but when this recording reaches its climax with the conventional but effective duet “On the Edge of Time With You,” listeners may just be won over.  — Forrest Hutchinson