Original Broadway Cast, 1989 (RCA)
(3 / 5) This show did not work onstage, but some of the songs and performances on the cast album are fun. Peter Allen, though woefully miscast as a tough-guy gangster, rips joyfully into “When I Get My Name in Lights” and is very effective in the big ballad “Sure Thing, Baby.” He swings through “Steal From Thieves” with Randall Edwards, seems to be having a ball with Julie Wilson in “Only an Older Woman,” and makes the most of “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t.” Wilson takes the mediocre number “The Music Went Out of My Life” and wrings lots of emotion from of it, but the female trio “The Man Nobody Could Love” doesn’t quite land. This recording preserves a mediocre Peter Allen score with a few bright spots; you’ll probably want to use your remote to get to the good stuff. The album has some added interest in that quite a few of the Legs Diamond songs turned up again years later in the Allen biomusical The Boy From Oz. — Jeffrey Dunn